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��tions and exhaustless vocabulary." He was sent by Mr. Gladstone on a secret expedition to Egypt on the 30th of June, 1882, and on the night of the 10th of August he, Capt. William John Gill, R.E., and Flag-Lieutenant Harold Charrington were taken prisoners by the Arabs, and the following morning were shot. Their remains were brought home and buried in the crypt of St. Paul's, April 6th, 1883 (' D.N.B.,' vol. xliii.).

1885, August 24th (Marquis of Salisbury). THE REV. JAMES INCHES HILLOCKS. Rev. James


" In consideration of his labours to improve the condition Hillocks. of the poor. 151"

��Widow of

John Netten


��1885, August 24th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. ANN MARTHA RADCLIFFE.

" In recognition of the valuable services rendered to sanitary science by her husband, the late Mr. John Netten Radcliffe. 100/."

Contributor to The Lancet ; employed by the Government to inquire into the question of Asiatic cholera during the Crimean War. In 1867 he drew up the now famous report on cholera in the East-End of London (obituary notice, Lancet, Sept. 20th, 1884).

1888, January 4th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. ISABELLA SARAH MCCLATCHIE. Sister of Sir

" In consideration of the long and valuable services of her late brother, Sir Henry Parkes, and of her destitute condition. 151."

Sir H. Parkes (1828-85), diplomatist (' D.N.B.,' vol. xliii.).

1888, April 18th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. BARBARA SELDON. Widow of

" In consideration of the services of her late husband, Mr. beldon. Samuel Seldon, Principal of the Statistical Department of Her Majesty's Customs, and of her destitute condition. 100J."

��1889, May 10th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. HELEN PATEY.

" In consideration of the services rendered by her late husband, Mr. C. H. B. Patey, in the improvement of the telegraph services of this country and of her inadequate means of support. 200?,"

��Widow of C.H.B.Patey.

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