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��1894, March 12th (W. E. Gladstone). LADY ALICE PORTAL (now REYNTIENS). Widow of

" In recognition of the distinguished services of her late hus- Herbert band, Sir Gerald Herbert Portal, K.C.M.G., C.B. 150J." Portal.

Gerald Herbert Portal (1858-94), diplomatist. In June, 1882, he was attached to the Consulate-General at Cairo, and was present at the bombardment of Alexandria. In the summers of 1886 and 1887, during Lord Cromer's absence, he took charge of the Residency. On October 17th, 1887, he was directed to attempt a reconciliation between the King of Abyssinia and the Italian Government (' D.N.B.,' vol. xliii.).

1894, June 19th (Earl of Rosebery). MRS. ALICE MARGARET HASSALL (now PHILIP). Widow of

Dr. Arthur

" In consideration of the services of her late husband, Dr. Hill Hawaii. Arthur Hill Hassall. 501"

Dr. Hassall, born at Teddington, 1817 ; died April 10th, 1894 (Lancet, April 14th, 1894). Most eminent chemist of his time, he became associated with the Lancet Analytical Sanitary Commis- sion, 1851-4, which led to the framing of the Adulteration Act of I860, and finally to the adoption of the Foods and Drugs Act, 1875.

1900, March 13th (Marquis of Salisbury). MR. CHARLTON JAMES WOLLASTON, Chariton

" In recognition of his services in connexion with the intro- Wollaston. duction of submarine telegraphy. 100J."

1900, March 21st (Marquis of Salisbury). EMMA, LADY ELLIS. Widow of


" In consideration of the public services in West Africa of her A, B. Ellig. late husband, Lieut.-Col. A. B. Ellis, C.B., and of her inadequate means of support. 30Z."

��1900, May 25th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. ELIZA ARLIDQE.

" In consideration of the labours of her late husband, Dr. John Thomas Arlidge, in the cause of industrial hygiene, and of her straitened circumstances. 50Z."

Born at Chatham, 1822 ; died October 27th, 1899. Author of ' State of Lunacy in the Legal Provision for the Insane,' 1859, and of the best treatise on the diseases of occupations ' Plumbism,' ' Phosphorism,' &c. (Lancet obituary notice, November 4th, 1899).

��Widow of Dr. J. T. Arlidge.

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