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splendid series of records.


Reginald Sharpe.

��Of special interest is the service rendered by the Corporation 1907, Aug. 17. in making known the contents of its splendid series of records. The City's Attention was called to this by Mr. John Randall at the dinner of the Correctors of the Press on the 22nd of June, 1907, at which the Lord Mayor, Sir William Treloar, presided ; and through the courtesy of my friend Dr. Reginald R. Sharpe, to whose care and research in editing many of the documents we owe so much, I am Dr - able to give the following list of works printed by the Corporation since 1863 :

Memoranda relating to the Royal Hospitals of the City of London. Reprinted 1863. (Originally printed 1836.)

Addresses, Remonstrances, and Petitions to the Throne presented by the City, with the Answers Thereto. 1865.

A Statistical Vindication of the City of London. By Benjamin Scott, F.R.A.S. 1867 (3rd ed., 1877).

Memorials of London and London Life in the Thirteenth, Four- teenth, and Fifteenth Centuries : being a Series of Extracts from the City's so-called Letter-Books. By H. T. Riley, M.A. 1868.

Analytical Index to the Series of City Records known as Remem- brancia, A.D. 1579 1664 : being Copies of Correspondence between the City and Officers of State. 1878.

Reports on the Day-Census of the City, 1881 and 1891.

Extracts touching the City's Possession of Richmond Park, A.D. 1649 1660. By Sir T. J. Nelson, City Solicitor. 1883.

London's Roll of Fame : being Votes and Addresses by the City on Presentation of the Honorary Freedom, with Replies, A.D. 1757 1884.

Calendar of Letters form the City of London to Various Towns at Home and Abroad on Commercial and Municipal Matters, A.D. 1350 1390. By R. R. Sharpe, D.C.L. 1885.

A Descriptive Account of the Guildhall of the City of London, its History and Associations. By J. E. Price, F.S.A. 1886.

Calendar of Wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London, A.D. 12581688. By R. R. Sharpe, D.C.L. 2 vols. 1889-90.

History of the Monument, with a Brief Account of the Great Fire. By Charles Welch, F.S.A., Librarian to the Corporation of London. 1893.

The Guildhall Library and its Work. By the same. 1893. (Out of print. )

History of the Tower Bridge, by the same, together with a Descrip- tion of the Bridge, by G. Wolfe Barry, C.B. 1894.

London and the Kingdom, compiled mainly from the City's Archives. By R. R. Sharpe, D.C.L. 3 vols. 1894-5.

Numismata Londinensia : Medals struck by the Corporation of London. With Notes by Charles Welch, F.S.A. 1894. (Out of print. )

The Guildhall of the City of London, together with a Short Account of its Associations and the Municipal Work carried on Therein. By J. J. Baddeley, Deputy for the Ward of Cripplegate Without. 3rd edition. 1905.

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