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at that date. The Fund was inaugurated in January, 1908, by Lord Roberts, and His Majesty the King became patron, and opened the Fund with a subscription of a thousand guineas. Its objects are to release from the workhouses all veterans, sailors and soldiers alike, \\ho fought in campaigns before 1860; to clothe them ; to provide them with a comfortable home for the remainder of their days; and to ensure that no veteran shall suffer the indignity of a pauper's funeral.


1908, Aug 29. ALTHOUGH it is by the merest chance, it is fitting that my last note should be of France, a land to which I am bound by the closest ties.

"L'Entente In Macphail's Edinburgh Ecclesiastical Journal for November,

Cordiale." 1859, is an article entitled * The Entente Cordiale of France and England.' We are now rejoicing in the " moral invasion " the writer of the article hopes for :

" A moral invasion -would be more acceptable than physical demon- strations ; we would rather see Englishmen and Frenchmen loving than fearing each other. Hence the satisfaction we share with others in hearing that the Rev. Dr. Emerton, the Principal of the Hanwell College, Middlesex, has again come into the field with open purse, and proposed to give fifty guineas each for the best essays that can be written on the means of promoting a permanent alliance between the two greatest countries in the world. One of them is to be written by a Frenchman, and the other by a Briton, and we shall not be sorry to find that the palm of superior merit is ultimately awarded to a Caledonian. Dr. Emerton, it may not be unknown, gave one hundred guineas as the premium on* an essay on the moral results of the Great Exhibition of 1851. The prize was carried off by the Rev. Mr. Whisk."

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