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I lament to say that I have suddenly become so blind that I can no longer be a correspondent of yours in my own handwriting. I was in the middle of reading a smallish print to my daughter, when a sort of flash came across my sight, and I was no longer able to see anything distinctly. I shall always be most glad to hear from you, but I can promise no answer in my own handwriting : my daughter must be my scribe, if it be worth while to continue a correspondence with an old blind man. Still, I am ever

Yours most sincerely,

J. PAYNE COLLIER. There is a blurred attempt at a signature. Collier died in 1883.

The last and dearest mentioned by Ebsworth in the list is his father, " whose honoured name the author bears, but whom he could never hope to equal, that Joseph Ebsworth, dramatist, musician, scholar, and linguist."


The following is a list of Ebsworth's works in their order of His works - publication : Karl's Legacy, 2 vols. 1868.

The Westminster Drolleries of 1671 and 1672. 1875. The Merry Drolleries of 1661 and 1670. 1875. Choyce Drollery of 1656. 1876. Bagford Ballads, 2 vols. 1878. Brathwayt's Strappado. 1878. Bagford Poems. 1880.

Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream of 1600. 1880. Three Centuries of Molash Annals, Burial Registers. 1880. The Roxburghe Ballads, Anti-Papal Group. 1881. The Duke of Monmouth, Rye House Plot, and Western Insurrection.

3 vols. 1883-4.

Cavalier Lyrics : " For Church and Crown." 1887. Early Naval Ballads. 1887. Early Legendary Ballads. 1888. Trades and Sports, Time of Charles II. 1889. Later Naval Ballads, &c. 1890. Military and Civil War. 1891.

Thomas Carew's Poems, and Poems by Robert Southwell. 2 vols. 1892. Hudibras. 3 vols. 1892.

One Hundred Religious, Romantic and Political Ballads. 1895. Sempill Ballads, Mary, Queen of Scots, and Robin Hood Ballads. 1896. Restoration Ballads. 1899. Final Ballads. 1902.

But although 1902 was the date of the last work, he was on the war-path to the time of his death, and went on as much as he was able with the Index of the names of all the songs in the Roxburghe

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