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��Adams (W. E.), author of ' Tyrannicide,' 212 Adler (Dr. N. M.), Chief Rabbi, 149 Advertisement duty, reduced, 4 ; abolished, ib. ; ite effect on newspapers, 193 ; mistake about, 283

Advertisements, in 1712, 6 ; displayed in newspapers, 30, 193 ; in The Field, 187 ; in Saturday Review, 204

Advocates, College of, sale of its library, 263 Africa, South, war correspondents killed and

wounded, 74

Alabaster (Sir Chaloner), pension to widow, 137 Albert (Prince), visit to Leeds, vi ; his death, 42 ; and the new Record Office, 79 ; Albert the Good, 88 ; Order of the Albert Cross, 96 Alexandra (Queen), and Order of the Garter, 89 ; presents shamrock to Irish Guards, 90 ; her ' Christmas Gift-Book,' 199 Allen (Sir William), Ebsworth's love for, 292 America, appreciation of Cowper in, 65 Andrews (Win.), his ' Wreath of Christmas

Carols,' 272

Angling, Francis Francis and the Marstons, 185 Aquarium, Westminster, its history, 187 Arbuthnot (G.), pension to daughters, 138 Archer (F. Scott), pension to daughter, 107 Argyle (8th Duke of), Ebsworth on, 312 Arlidge (Dr. J. T. ), pension to widow, 143 Armstrong (General Jas. Wells), pension to

widow, 132 Armstrong (Dr. R. A.), pension to daughters,

128 Ash/ord, Ebsworth at, 298 ; death and burial

at, 301-2 Asquith (H. H.) educated at City of London

School, 253 ' Astarte,' by Earl of Lovelace, criticisms on,


Athenrcum, Heraud its dramatic critic, vii ; succeeded by Knight, ib. ; and ComjSdie Francaise banquet, ix ; Knight's reviews in, x-xiv ; ' Festus ' Bailey, xiv, 178 ; Knight on ' Sonnet d'Arvers,' xvi ; on D. G. Rossetti, xivi ; on ' Cyrano de Bergerac,' xxvii ; on P. B. Marston, xxxi ; death of F. G. Stephens, xxxiii ; on Dickens's ' A Word in Season,' 15 ; on ' Roxburghe Revels," 18; on Wright's 'Life of Cowper,' 58 ; advocates new Record Office, 79 ; on Principal Rainy, 86 ; on Albert the Good, 88 ; praises Limbird's Mirror, 163 ; on Owens College, 170, illustrations

��in, 175 ; Chorley's poems in, 176 ; " Dilke's Drag," 185 ; on Serjeant Cox, 186 ; on the inscription on the Monument, 197 ; its old clock, 198 ; poems by E. B. Browning in, 213, 215 ; on ' The Poet's Vow,' 213 ; on L. E. L., 214 ; on French editors of Mrs. Browning, 215 ; on her death, 216 ; printed on threaded paper, 218 ; supports Ocean Penny Postage, 221 ; on Longfellow's ' Voices of the Night,' 231 ; on ' Hiawatha,' 232 ; on his death, 239 ; Braidwood at fire at, 257 ; on sale of Scott copyrights, 263 ; defends " Clemency Can- ning," 271 ; Mudie and its reviews, 274 ; on Joseph Whitaker, 283 ; on Mrs. Triibner, 285

Atlas, early Australian paper, 196

Austin (A.), Civil List Pension, 106

Australia, earliest newspapers in, 195

Australian, its career, 195


Backhouse (G. C.), pension to widow, 137 Bailey (P. J.), Knight on ' Festus,' xiv ;

Civil List pension, 97 ; his death and poems,


Bain (Alex.), Civil List pension, 111 Baker (Samuel), founder of Sothebys, 262 Ballads, Scotch and English, 298 ; Ebsworth's

Index, 299, 321

Ballad Society, its history, 320 Baly (Marie Josephine), Civil List pension, 107 Bank of England, its profits, 26 Baptist Times on Elim Chapel, 267 Barbon (Nicholas) and Praise God Barebones,


Barebones (Praise God) in Fetter Lane, 81, 83 Barkly (Governor A. C. S.), pension to widow,


Barkly (Sir H.), pension to widow, 135 Barnard (Sir H. W.), pension to daughter, 133 Barnby (Sir J.), pension to widow, 1 18 Barnes (Rev. W.), pension to daughter, 102 Barrister, lady, first, 89 Barry (Sir C.) and the Palace of Westminster,


Bartlett (W. H.), pension to widow, 98 Basevi (Capt. J. P.), pension to widow, 139 Bates (Harry), A.R.A., pension to widow, 115 Bates (W.) on Cowper and tobacco, 64 Baynes (T. Spencer), pension to widow, 1 02 Bazley (T.) on Ocean Penny Postage, 221 Bede, Cuthbert. Sec Bradley (Rev. E.).

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