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��Prance, Jews' love for, 152 ; and postage reductions, 220 ; the Entente Cordiale, 286

Francis (Charlotte) on samplers, 3 Francis (Francis), angling writer, 185 Francis (John), on Rippon's ' Crucifixion,' 1 ; Spurgeon on, 2 ; on the Unstamped Press, 3, 5 ; on Rimmel's advertisements, ; on Sunday newspapers, ib. ; on a centenarian, 7 ; on ' The Literature of the People,' 161 ; and repeal of the paper duty, 165 ; and stamped covers for newspapers, 193 ; esti- mate of total issues of papers and magazines, 194 ; suggests new stamp, 222 ; fire at Athenceum office, 257 ; opposition to ad- vertisement duty, 283 ; Ebsworth at his funeral, 305

Francis (John), author of ' Chronicles and Characters of the Stock Exchange,' on Sampson Gideon, 153

Francis (John C.), at Heraud's funeral, vii ; and T. Purnell, xxxi ; and Knight's Golden Wedding, ib. ; at funeral of F. G. Stephens, xxxiii ; at Knight's funeral, xxxiv ; and bad smells from the Thames, 246 ; and Braidwood at Athenceum fire, 257 ; Ebs- worth's executor, 289 ; Ebsworth gives view of Edinburgh to, 293 ; Ebsworth's last letter, 301 ; first meeting with Ebs- worth, 305

Franking, and newspapers, 6 ; abolished, 218, 219

Free Libraries. See Libraries, Free.

Freeman (E. A.), pension to widow, 102

Freemason, Ebsworth as senior warden, 295

Free Trade Conference, 1856, 203

Freiligrath (F.) on metre of ' Hiawatha,' 233

French Academy, Knight on its Dictionary, x

French Revolution, commemorative dinner at Birmingham, 5

Friedlander (M.) on Jewish religion, 155

Frowde (Henry), publisher for Oxford Press, 281

Furnivall (F. J.), Civil List pension, 100

Fuseli (H.), Cowper on, 69

Fyfe (J. Hamilton), contributor to Saturday Review, 211


Gambling, royal winnings, 23

Gardiner (S. Rawson), Civil List pension, 100 ;

Ebsworth on, 307

Garfield (President), Longfellow on, 237 Garnett (Lucy M. J.), Civil List pension, 125 Garnett (Dr. Richard), Ebsworth's liking for,

298 ; and Charles I., 325 Garrett (Dr. G.), pension to widow, 118 Garrick (David), sale of his library, 261 Garter, Order of, and queens, 89 Gas, the Mint lit by, 28

Gaster (Moses), tribute to English people, 147 Gatty (Rev. A.) on Nelson's brother, 37 Geikie (Dr. J. Cunningham), Civil List pension,

121 Gentleman's Magazine, Knight as Sylvanus

Urban, xxviii ; its history, 23 ; Joseph

Whitaker editor, 275

��Geological Society, its Centenary, 261 George I., news of his accession, 82 George II., his winnings at hazard, 23 George IV., his gold dinner service, 190 ; and

Mrs. Fitzherbert, 208 Gideon (Sampson) and the '45, 153 Gilbert (Sir John) and The Leisure Hour, 102 Gilfillan (George), Ebsworth on, 313 Gill (Dr. John), his Bible Commentary. 242 Gilpin (John), origin of the story, 67, 71 ;

first edition, 69 ; ' Second Journey,' 71 Ginsburg (Dr. Christian), Civil List pension, 121 Gipsies, their longevity, 92 ; Ebsworth's

affection for, 296

Gladstone (W. E.) repeals Taxes on Know- ledge, 4, 198

Glasgow Herald on University celebration, 93 Glasgow Schoo of Design, Ebsworth at, 294,


Glasgow University, its ninth Jubilee, 93 Glennie (J. S. Stuart), Civil List pension, 126 Globe, on Queen Victoria's Coronation, 174 ;

its Centenary, editors, and contributors,

180-83 ; Saturday Review on, 203 Glover (Sir J. H.), pension to widow, 134 Goethe, 150th anniversary of his birth, 35 Gore (Dr. G.), Civil List pension, 110 Gorsed or Gold Stone recovered, 84 Goss (Sir John), pension to daughters, 117 Gowing (Lionel F.) on Knight, xxiii Grant (Albert) buys The Echo, 30 Grant (James ) on Saturday Review, 209 Gratz (Rebecca) and ' Ivanhoe,' 151 Graves (Algernon) on first postage stamp, 218 Graves (Rev. Jas.), pension to widow, 114 Green (J. Arnold), purchases books for Mrs.

Rylands, 31 ; death, 33 Green (Dr. S. G.) and the Religious Tract

Society, 32

Green (Sir W. Kirby), pension to widow, 142 Greene (G. Washington), friend of Longfellow,

229, 235, 236, 237

Griffith (Sir W. B.), pension to daughters, 135 Grote (G.), Saturday Review on, 207 Guardian, history to its Jubilee, 12-14 Guildhall Library opened, 250 Guilds, City, their revived activity, 247 Guppy (Henry) on the John Rylands Library,

xiv, 33 Guthrie (Prof. F.), pension to widow, 109


Haas (Dr. E.), pension to widow, 123 Haigh (Dr.), Knight's schoolmaster, i Halevi (Jehudah), his songs of faith, 150 Halifax Gazette, first newspaper in British

North America, 195

Hall (Hammond) on Joseph Knight, xxi Halliwell-Phillipps on Ebsworth, 321 Hallucination, invention of the word, 21 Hamerton (P. G.), pension to widow, 104 Hamilton (Sir R. G. C.), pension to widow, 137 Hammond (Jag.), Civil List pension, 111 Hampton Court Palace, old water-gate, 15 Handel (G. P.), and the Echo office, 17 ; book

of harpsichord pieces, 88

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