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Pianistomonambulist!—My destiny—Public physiognomy—Why is the audience one day enthusiastic, another day cold?—Germans or Dutch?—Subscribers to 'Mason's Musical World,' 'Dwight's Journal,' 'Home Journal'—Fancy but one public—Young girls from the boarding-school, the most interesting element—'Last Hope' and 'Pastorella'—The fabricated Beethoven—The great dead! how many little crimes committed in their name!—Chopin—Fashion—The pagan of art—Fetish worshippers—Rhetoricians of Byzantium—The self-made Aristarchus—Hoffman and beer—Beethoven, Liszt, and long hair—Opinion of myself—My existence for fifteen months that of a carpet-bag—How avoid becoming brutalized—Commenced writing notes of travel—My pocket books—Discreet friends—Their pages like the side of an obelisk—Only an American, and a pianist—Elmira—Length of hours on Sunday—Sunday in America—Zeal of the Bible societies—Tract societies—The good man in the Sunday train between New York and Philadelphia—How I spent Sunday at Elmira—Piano forbidden—Sunday at Cape May—Rev. Mr. Beecher—The present generation of Beechers—Williamsport, Pa.—Millinery and ice cream—Newspaper publisher and patent medicines—The town in commotion—Rebels marching on the capital—General Lee—Federal general-in-chief not to be accused of want of skill—Large extent of territory embraced by the war—McClellan and Quaker guns—General Scott's opinion of Lee—Despatch from the Governor of Pennsylvania—Volunteer military band—All Germans—United by their hatred of time—Great consternation—Patriotic meetings organized—Concert—Madam Strakosch—Family of the Pattis—Barili—Carlo Pattl—What a family!—An incomparable young man crosses the hall on tiptoe—Advised putting off concert at Harrisburg—General Ewell—Stuart of Lee's cavalry—Woman's imagination—Her influence at times to be deplored—Conduct of Southern women—Strong-minded women of New England—Females of New Orleans—My friend's statement—General Butler—Miss Beauregard—Lady De Forli—Charlotte Corday 190