Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/173

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peace, when there is only a handful of individuals in their country? All bosh. Our officials at Washington must either be crazy or they don't know what they are doing, and this is only another fire in the rear, and for the purpose of prolonging the war.

Gen. Scott received Mr. Trist very coolly, and informed him that the only way that peace can be accomplished is for the United States Government to send him (Gen. Scott) re-enforcements, that he may then march on to the halls of Montezumas, and not before then will the Mexican Government be ready to make peace. In fact the soldiers don't want peace until the halls of Montezumas are stormed and taken. Let our government send the re-enforcements promised to Gen. Scott, and we will soon march on, and not stop until the capital of Mexico is taken. Then let us say peace, peace! And, mark me, this will have to be done. Gen. Scott is ready and anxious to march on to the capital, but is waiting in Jalapa for re-enforcements. Oh! in behalf of my fellow soldiers, I ask why don't you send on troops, that we may accomplish what we came for, to conquer the Mexicans, and then seek for peace? Oh! in that name is music.

The weather still keeps cold.

Sunday, May 23, 1847.—This morning our company was detailed to bury one of Co. I's men of our regiment; this is owing to the dead man's company being absent on duty at Jalapa.

This soldier was left here in the hospital sick when his company went to Jalapa. He, however, soon recovered, and attached himself to our company. He was well and hearty a few days ago, and yesterday he died very suddenly of heart disease. We buried him with all the honors of war, which was all that was left for us to do. The flag of the First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers was the pall for his coffin.

There is a good deal of talk among our men about the idea of our government constantly clamoring about peace, when it is a well-known fact that the Mexican Congress passed a