Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/202

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mounted riflemen, started for the place and took possession of it without any opposition, loaded it up into our wagons and returned with the spoils.

This evening there were seven men buried.

Friday, June 25, 1847.—This morning our company was detailed to go on guard. So at 10 o'clock, a.m., we formed guard and went on duty.

At noon our Orderly Sergeant detailed two men (Alburtus Welsh and Henry Rosco) to dig a grave for one of our men named Thomas Williams who died last night, after which the funeral took place, and was followed to his grave by our company and Capt. Scott's company (H). Mr. Williams was one of the tallest and healthiest looking men in our company, but the exposure and laying out in "Camp Misery" fetched him.

This evening five more died in the hospital and were buried.

Saturday, June 26, 1847.—This morning it is rumored that our old friend, Gen. Gideon J. Pillow, had a fight with the citizens of Jalapa, and that Gen. Pillow was mortally wounded. I doubt it, and it is not believed by any of our officers or men, for this reason, the citizens of Jalapa are considered the friendliest people that we have met with in this country.

There is now no garrison at Jalapa or any guarded post between Perote Castle and the city of Vera Cruz. Gen. George Cadwalader brought all with him, both sick and wounded.

In the afternoon it was reported that the train was coming, so a party of our officers on horseback rode out to meet it, but found no train coming, and returned without seeing it.

Five soldiers, one belonging to Co. G, First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, were buried this evening. Our company attended the funeral of Co. G man. Our men are beginning to get impatient, on account of getting no news from Gen. Scott when we should move on to Puebla. We are all anxiously waiting for the express or messenger to arrive from Puebla.