Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/205

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roads, and the mules and horses giving out. The news of the arrival of this train has put a cheerful look in every soldier's eye, and they are much rejoiced at the prospect of an early march.

In the evening three soldiers from the hospital were buried. They are dropping off faster than they come.

Thursday, July 1, 1847.—This morning about 10 o'clock the train arrived at Perote. In fact the men were so glad that they went several miles to meet it and escort it into town. They bring a large amount of ammunition and other ordnance stores, and some two hundred and fifty wagons and about two thousand infantry. They report having been fired upon several times by the guerillas from behind the chaparral on the way, and on June 6th the enemy made a bold stand at Paso de Las Obejos, near El Encero, attacking the specie train, and the guards pouring volley after volley into their ranks, killing one man and wounding several others. This caused a panic among the new troops, who were about to run when Lieut. Henry Prince, of the Fourth United States Infantry, who had command of the guard, sprang to the front with his drawn sword, and appealed to his men to rally around him, and charged upon the enemy with a yell, driving the guerillas in all directions. The whole train was under the command of Col. McIntosh, and the division under the command of Gen. Pillow, of Cerro Gordo fame.

In the afternoon, on dress-parade, orders were read to us to keep ourselves in readiness to march to-morrow morning for Puebla,

In the evening the orders to march were countermanded by Gen. Pillow, until further orders. So the men are again a little discouraged, and are wondering when we will march. Three soldiers from the hospital were buried.

Friday, July 2, 1847.—This morning there is not much doing, except the soldiers are growling about our long delay at these quarters.