Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/215

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as it is called in Philadelphia. Here is where the market is held, which, on Sunday after church hours, is the greatest market day in Mexico; also for all kinds of amusements. While looking around to see some of the numerous kinds of vegetables, etc., my attention was drawn to a crowd near by, and being anxious to know what it meant, I went to see, and rushed right through the crowd until I got into the middle. Here, to my surprise, I saw that the Mexicans had two game cocks held in their hands ready to go at it. My old friend. Bob Eurick, of Little York, Pa., rushed in and said, aqueste querer no mi debido (this will not do), that it was no work for Sunday, and he took one chicken, or cock, and flung it out of the surrounding crowd and pit, but did not get a chance at the other one, for the Mexican umbres took it and ran in all directions, after which we returned to our quarters, laughing at the idea of us breaking up the Mexican cock-fight.

Most every comrade I meet is speaking in the highest terms of our new quarters for cleanliness and healthfulness,

We are not troubled with that Spanish race called fleas, which has been a constant terror to our rest and sleep.

At almost every place where we were obliged to camp, there often was little or no water to quench the thirst of either man or beast, and scarcely anything to eat, and yellow-fever, diarrhœa and guerillas, constantly reduced our ranks. This is surely a great relief.

Monday, July 12, 1847.—This morning we were aroused by the sweet sound of a full brass band of music. We instantly rushed to the front of our quarters to see them pass, and ascertain the object. We soon learned the cause of the band playing so early the national airs of our country. It was two companies of dragoons, accompanied by Mr. N. P. Trist, our American Minister, on their way to the capital of Mexico, to see whether the Mexican Government will receive him and hi negotiation for peace.

We all hope that he may be successful in his mission. It will be remembered that Mr. Nicholas P. Trist arrived at