Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/232

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Saturday, July 17, 1847.—This morning at ten o'clock the whole volunteer division was again on the parade ground drilling and being reviewed, drilling us almost to death. After which all the officers of our division, and accompanied by the Fourth Infantry, paid a visit to the ancient Indian town Chulula, which is seven miles from Puebla; on the top of the pyramid, there once stood the Aztec Temple, but which is now replaced by a Roman Catholic church, some of us wanted to go along, but as Col. Black was going we couldn't smuggle ourselves in, for fear he would see us, and then, of course, would send us back. So we were fooled again.

In the evening they returned, and were much pleased by their visit to one of the oldest towns in all Mexico.

Sunday July 18, 1847.—This morning after breakfast we had a meeting to consult what was to be done to-day, and finally came to the conclusion that my friend, Alburtus Welsh, and myself would go to the great cathedral and see what was going on there. At the entrance there was a Mexican standing with a plate in hand to receive such contribution as you saw fit to give. We gave him a claco apiece, and went into church, which was, as usual, full; but were constantly going in and out. Some would come in, kneel before the cross, go through the Catholic signs and get up and go out. I thought to myself how ignorant and degraded these Mexicans are, and think it no wonder, where the Catholic religion rules, that the country does not flourish, because the Catholic church is opposed to all other religions, and wherever they are in power they crush all liberties; and this is the reason that some of the priests say that they would sooner suffer death than lose the power of the Catholic church. After walking around and looking at some of their movements and signs, we left fully convinced that us paganos (heathens) would not join the Catholic church yet awhile.

Monday, July 19, 1847.—Este manana there is no news. Some were drilling. In the evening I visited the teatro (theatre), where they played "Rob Roy" and the "Soldier's