Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/234

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quarters and left; and when I returned I found that the infernal scoundrel had robbed me of my purse containing two doubloons and a ten-dollar gold piece, in all about fifty dollars. I was mad enough to eat him alive if I ever get hold of him. I assure you I would almost as soon lose my head as to lose, or be robbed of my spare cash, which I brought with me from the United States.

There is a saying that "He who loses money loses much, he who loses a friend loses more, but he who loses his spirit loses all;" and I find that this is a real fact; no money to get some extras to keep the stem of life going, all gone, except a dollar or so which I had loose in my pocket.

To-night I am much disheartened and low spirited, and will say good-night; may the —— catch him, or I hope he will be the first one who will get his head shot off close to his shoulders.

Thursday, July 22, 1847.—Last night I could hardly sleep, and this morning I got up much disheartened and in poor spirits, but at last I resolved to throw this feeling from my mind, and trust to better luck.

About noon a company of Mexican lancers came in with a white flag, but I could not learn their object. It was soon rumored that the Mexicans will not receive Mr. N. P. Trist, our American Minister, to negotiate for peace. This brings my remarks true. They will not make peace until the halls of Montezumas are stormed and taken. So now, lookout for breakers!

This afternoon there was considerable excitement at the headquarters of the New York regiment owing to one of the Lieutenants, named, I think, Myen Reid, a gallant officer, killing one of their own men with his sword, running it through his heart, for trying to release himself, he being bucked and gagged at the time. The deceased's brother, who belongs to the same regiment, swears that he will shoot Lieut. Reid, if it should be in the midst of battle, for this cowardly act.