Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/281

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peace can be accomplished without shedding any more precious blood, let us have it. At noon we saw a few lancers playing about outside the city. In the evening one of the diarrhœa blues was attacked by three Mexicans while on post. One caught hold of his musket, while the other two tried to kill him, and they came very near carrying out their devilish design. They cut his skin clear across his throat, and he only escaped by hallooing for the Sergeant of the guard. The Mexicans succeeded in making their escape.

Monday, September 6, 1847.—This morning we saw several lancers at the suburbs of the city going through their manœuvres in the way of drilling. This afternoon Gov. Childs came to our quarters and told us that he expects that Gen. Scott will be successful in concluding peace between the two armies. This evening the report is that Gen. Rea has declared war on his own hook, he not being pleased with the reception the good and intelligent people of Puebla gave him when he made his last appeal for them to rise and drive those Yankees out. There is no news of our train from Vera Cruz or from the city of Mexico.

Tuesday September 7, 1847.—This morning news came from Guadaloupa Heights, stating that the train was in sight. This raised a great joy among our soldiers, who were preparing to receive them. The dragoons were ordered out to escort the train into town; but while we were rejoicing, it turned out to be the Mexican army advancing upon Puebla. Gov. Childs ordered the long roll beat, and all soldiers to get under arms and prepare for a bloody battle. Every soldier is now hallooing out, "Hurrah for a fight! We are ready for them; let them come, if they dare! "Gov. Childs, with the Third Dragoons, went out to reconnoitre the Mexican army, and at the same time Cos. A and K, First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, proceeded to the Tivola Garden, and there laid in ambush to support Gov. Childs and his party, they fearing the Mexican army would attempt to surround Gov. Childs. The Mexicans now halted about two miles from the city on a