Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/41

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room, and were going to arrest Capt. Hill, but instead of the police arresting Capt. Hill, Capt. Hill ordered us to arrest every police officer that interfered, which we did, and marched them with the arrested soldiers to our camp, but on our arrival at camp. Col. Wynkoop released the police.

Thursday, January 7, 1847.—This morning there was nothing of much importance occurred, but talking and asking many questions about the arresting of policemen by the soldiers yesterday in New Orleans.

At noon the steamboat "Fashion," Capt. Morgan, came in from Brazos, Santiago, bringing the dead bodies of Lieut. Col. William Watson, Capt. R. A. Gillespie, of the First Texan, Lieut. Randolph Ridgly, of the Third Light Artillery, and several other officers, besides a good many sick, wounded and discharged soldiers.

Lieut. R. Ridgly was with Maj. Samuel Ringgold at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma on the 8th and 9th of May, 1846; after Maj. Ringgold received his death wound, he took command of the battery and covered himself and his light artillery with glory. He retained the command of his battery until the time of his death, and for his bravery and skill, was promoted Brevet-Captain, and was Assistant Adjutant-General in Gen. Zachariah Taylor's army. He died October 27, 1846, from injuries received from the falling of his horse; the horse having fallen heavily on the whole body of Capt. Ridgly. He graduated at West Point in 1837, and was a brave, daring and skilful officer, a gay chevalier, a good jolly fellow and full of life, a great favorite in his regiment; he was looked upon and known as one of the best horsemen in the United States Army.

Col. Watson and Capt. Gillespie were both killed at the storming at Monterey on the 22d of September, 1846. The former in front of Fort Teneria and the latter at Fort Soldaela. One of the committee, a Baltimorean, who was sent to bring home the dead bodies of Watson and Ridgly, both being Marylanders, was hearty and in good spirits last evening