Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/551

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Tuesday, May 9, 1848.—This morning, the man who killed his wife last evening was arrested near San Angel, and put in the guard-house to await his trial for murder.

This evening I am informed by one of the New Yorkers that Alexander S. Forbes, of New York City, arrived in the city of Mexico. He is appointed Special Commissioner by the authorities of New York City for the purpose of taking up the dead bodies of the gallant officers, Lieut.-Col. Charles Baxter, Capts. James Barclay and Pearson, Lieuts. Charles F. Gallagher and Chandler—all belonging to the New York regiment of volunteers. They were mostly all young officers, who sacrificed their lives in Mexico upon the altar of patriotism and devotion to their country's flag. They will be taken to New York City, and there buried with great military honors. Nothing is said about taking up the bodies of poor privates who fell and—like the officers—offered up their lives for their country's cause—the men who saw war in all its horrors on the march, in camp and on the battle-fields, the hardship and trying labors of military life devolved on them, the luxuries of a camp they never knew, the attractions of society in a foreign country, such as was found in Mexico, they never enjoyed; public notices of their gallantry were seldom given, they were cut down in the discharge of their duty—either by disease or by bullets; they are left to remain where they fell on the field of their triumphant fame.

Wednesday, May 10, 1848.—This morning several of us went to the city. We went by the way of Cuyoacan, and stopped at a place called The Ranchos, where we got something to eat. It will not be out of place to note the bill of fare in these ranchos, and how coffee is prepared in these diggings. The coffee is burned, or rather roasted. When wanted for use, a little is placed on a flat stone and rolled with another stone somewhat resembling in shape an old-fashioned rollingpin. With these implements the coffee is powdered very fine, after which it is put into a kettle of boiling water. When it begins to boil, a little sugar raised in this part of the country