Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/584

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clouds in the far distance; gay theatre, all in magnificence and grandeur; dotted with numberless villages and beautiful haciendas, surrounded with verdant hedges, orange groves and other luscious fruits; all arranged before us like a panorama, never to be forgotten by him who had the privilege of marching with the grand army of Gen. Scott on to the halls of Montezuma. We now left, and with a wave of our hands bid goodbye to the fairest city in Mexico. We marched on until we came to Rio Frio, or Tierra Frio (cold country); here we encamped for the night; it was raining, snowing, and blowing, which, of course, made everything very unpleasant for the soldiers. This place is between nine and ten thousand feet above the sea.

Thursday, June 1, 1848.—This morning we left camp Rio Frio, but in low spirits, on account of passing a disagreeable night, it raining, snowing, etc., all night; but at noon the threatening clouds disappeared, and the sun began to make its appearance, peeping through the wild woods, which had the effect of cheering up the boys, and making it more pleasant to march.

We passed through San Martin, and-went into camp at a large hacienda about three miles from San Martin. The senor, the proprietor of the hacienda, made his servants or peasants furnish us with wood and water.

Friday, June 2, 1848.—This morning we left camp about 6 o'clock, it being our turn to be detailed for the rear guard. We took our time in getting ready, until the last of the division had gone, when we fell in the rear; and for the first time I noticed that Capt. William F. Binder and company of our regiment were guarding the wagon which contained Lieuts. Hare and Dutton. Lieut. Hare looked out at the back end of the wagon, and said, "Good morning, boys. The same Ike Hare still." (Laughter.) We kept marching on until we came within ten miles of Puebla City, where we encamped for the night. We all wanted to march on to Puebla, but Col. Wynkoop would let no one go except Peter Ahl, Alburtus