Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/59

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Saturday February 6, 1847.—This morning we find the current running at the rate of six miles per hour to the north. Our course should be to the south. We did not make five miles all day. This evening after dusk we spoke the ship "St. Louis," of Philadelphia, loaded down with ammunition of war and surf or transport boats. The same conversation took place that was held with the schooner the other day, except the "St. Louis" was bound for Anton Lizardo, near Vera Cruz. The soldiers all seemed to be much pleased in meeting the ship.

Sunday February 7, 1847.—This morning our water, which we were told of the other day, was issued to us by the mess. Each mess drawing a quart of water for each man to drink, cook and wash in. The water is miserable. The smell is enough to make the soldiers sick or to put us entirely against using it, but we will have to put up with it until we can get better. At noon the wind is still ahead and is likely to be so for several days; yet there is no telling how the wind may blow in an hour from now, for it is so contrary in these regions, and particularly at this time of the year. In the evening several of our men caught fishes, some weighing from five to six pounds and are a very pretty fish. We are now several days out from the sight of land and our men are wondering how long it will be before we will see land again. Nothing extraordinary happened to-day or night.

Monday, February 8, 1847.—This morning as usual we still find the wind against us, but the weather is fine and pleasant. At noon most of the soldiers went on deck and passed their time in playing cards, a game the soldiers are more or less addicted to, and thus frequently gamble all their money in a few days after they are paid off. Some of our men were amused by Mr. Kennedy, of Company D, who favored them with some beautiful airs on the accordeon. He is a good player as well as a singer. We did not make six miles all day—poor way of getting along, but we will have to let old Neptune take his own time and way, for he is very contrary sometimes. To-night it looks as if none of our men want to go to sleep.