Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/631

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Robert Patterson, June 6, 1847, at the castle of Perote.
Daniel Craver, " "
J. William Walker, " "
John Patton, " "
Robert Brown, " "
Sergeant George Small, " "
Henry Handly, October 30, 1847, "
Charles A. Jones, " "
Sergeant Oscar F. Bentson, " "
Lieutenant Henry Hunterson, November 8, 1847, at the castle of Perote.
Captain William F. Small (on furlough), November 24, 1847, at Jalapa City.
William Mullon, November 30, 1847, at the castle of Perote.
Corporal Roland C. Malone, February 25, 1848, at San Angel, Mexico.
Table of Distance from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico:—
  To  Camp Vergera (Gen. Twigg's encampment) 3 Miles
"Rio Medio, 3 " 6
"Santa Fe, 4 " 10
"San Juan, 8 " 10
"Puenta de las Vegas, 11 " 29
"Puente Nacional (National Bridge). 6 " 35
"Plan del Rio (The River of the Plain), 11 " 46
"Cerro Gordo Pass (battle-ground), 2 " 48
"El Encero (Gen. Santa Anna's residence) 12 " 60
"Jalapa City, 9 " 69
"La Banderilla. 6 " 75
"San Miguel barracks, 4 " 79
"La Hoya Pass, 5 " 84
"Las Vegas, 7 " 91
"To Cruz Blanco, or White Cross, 6 " 97
"Perote Castle and Town, 9 " 106