Page:Notes on the Anti-Corn Law Struggle.djvu/20

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Notes on the Anti-Corn Law Struggle.

(a) Average of nineteen years, in Sir F. Eden's tables.
(b) Stat. 11, Hen. VII., c. 22.
(c) Average of the prices in Sir F. Eden's tables.
(d) Stat. 16, Hen. VIII., c. 3.
(e) Sir F. Eden's tables.
(f) Ibid.
(g) Average, or below it, in Eden's tables.
(h) Rate fixed by justices of East Riding of Yorkshire in 1593.
(i) Eden, Appendix No. III.
(j) Rate of Rutlandshire justices in 1610.
(k) Eden, Appendix, p. lxxix.
(l) Rate of Lancashire justices, 1725.

(m) Eton tables, cited Tooke, "History of Prices," i., 48.