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Slavery in Maſſachuſetts.

bad. And in caſe you find it to be good to handel theſe blacks in that manner, we deſire and require you hereby lovingly, that you may inform us herein, which at this time never was done, viz., that Christians have ſuch a liberty to do ſo. To the end we ſhall be ſatisfied on this point, and ſatisfy likewiſe our good friends and acquaintances in our native country, to whom it is a terror, or fearful thing, that men ſhould be handelled ſo in Pennſylvania.

"This is from our meeting at Germantown, held ye 18th of the 2d month, 1688, to be delivered to the monthly meeting at Richard Worrell's.

"Garret Henderich,
Derick op de Graeff,
Francis Daniel Pastorius,
Abram op de Graeff.

"At our monthly meeting, at Dublin, ye 30th 2d mo., 1688, we having inſpected ye matter, above mentioned, and conſidered of it, we find it ſo weighty that we think it not expedient for us to meddle with it here, but do rather commit it to ye conſideration of ye quarterly meeting; ye tenor of it being related to ye truth.

"On behalf of ye monthly meeting,

"Jo. Hart.

"This abovementioned, was read in our quarterly meeting, at Philadelphia, the 4th of ye 4th mo., '88, and was from thence recommended to the yearly meeting, and the above ſaid Derrick, and the other two mentioned therein, to preſent the ſame to ye above