Page:Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey.djvu/176

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remarked, that, in addition to several churches which are known to have been destroyed, some chapels are mentioned, of the existence of which we have, so far as I am aware, no other record. In reading the names it must be remembered, that in ancient writings u and v are frequently convertible letters, and that, in the middle of words, the w is often represented by, as we name the letter, double u.

"De numero ecclesiarum Rofensis episcopatus, et de redditibus," &c.

"Tonebrigga," Tonbridge; "Barindena, Ealdinga, marginal note, Beansteda," Yalding, and Bensted in the parish of Hunton; "Leaga, marg. note, Bitteberga," Leigh and Bidborough; "Braencesle," Brenchley; "Horsbundenne," Horsmonden; "Theudelei," Tudely; " Lamburherste," the same; "Peppingeberia," Pembury; " Speldherste," the same; " Wotringaberia," Watringbury; " Eastpecham," the same; "Westpecham" the same; " East Eearnlega, m. n., Liluitana capella Anfridi," East Earleigh, and perhaps Linton; "Beccheham," Beckenham; "Trottescliui," Trottescliffe; "Ciselherste," Chesilhurst; "Cudena," Cowden; " Æischerste," Ashurst; "Ailesford, m. n., Cusintuna," Aylesford and Cosington; "Berlingis, m. n., Psedleswrtha," Birling and Paddlesworth; "Meallingis," East Mailing; "Codeham," Cudhani; " Reiersce," Ryarsh; "Offeham," the same; "Dictuna," Ditton; "Huntintune," Hunton; "Netlesteda," Nettlested; "Burcham," Burham; "Wldeham," Woldham; "Sancta Margarita, m. n., Hescindena," St. Margaret's, Rochester, and Nashenden; "Csettham," Chatham; "Sanctus Clemens," in Rochester, now destroyed; "Cuclestena," Cuxton; "Hallingis," Hailing; "Snodilande," Snodland; "Wroteham, m. n., Stanteda," Wrotham and Stansted; "Meapeham," Meopham; "Pennesherst," the same; "Ehteham," Ightham; "Eadintuna," Addington; "Lisna," Lesnes, or Erith; "Leueseham," Lewisham; "Erde vel Earhethe," Crayford; " Wilmentuna," Wilmington; "Lullingestuna, m. n., vel Lullingestan," the same; "Le," Lee; "Maeuurtha," Mereworth; "Westerham," the same; "Watlande," Woodland; "Ciuilinga," Kingsdown? or Keston?; "Æinesford," Eynsford; "Cimisinga," Kemsing; "Wicham," the same; "Bradesteda," Brasted; "Færningeham," Earningham; "Hæselholte," Nockholt?; "Readlega," Ridley; "Æisce," Ash; "Herdei," Hartley; "Sunderersee," Sundridge; "Mapeldreskampe," Maplescombe in Kingsdown; "Heure," Hever; "Scorham," Shoreham; "Hludesdune,"