Page:Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey.djvu/429

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Laughton 247.
Laurence, St. 88.
Chap. 74.
Hosp. 45.
Lavant 248.
East 248.
Mid 90, 248.
Lavendene 116.
Lawless, J. 53
Le 138.
Leaden Cists 289
Coffer 304.
Roof ix.
Leaga 138.
Leatherhed 335.
Lectern 57, 90, 326, 336.
Lee 89, 138.
Leeds 89.
Cast. 41, 89.
Priory 89.
Legh, J.and J. 318.
Leicester, Montf., Earl of 136.
Leigh, Kent 29, 31, 89, 128, 129, 138.
Surrey 335.
J. I. and J. 318.
Leighton, Archbp. 240.
Leleburna 139.
Lenham 90.
Leodegario, R. de S. 163.
Leodre 335.
Leominster 248, 260, 261.
Leonard, St., Hastings 240, 249, 303.
Ch. 319.
Chap. 98, 99, 139.
Hosp. 201.
Tower 99.
Leret 327.
Lesnes 64, 138.
Abbey 65.
Leuche Ch. 170.
Leueseham 138.
Leutfred, St.'s, Cross 327.
Leveland 91.
Leverick 23.
Levine 37.
Lewes 249.
St. John xiv.
Priory 69, 209, 289.
Leweshothe Chap. 82.
Lewisham 91, 138, 158.
Leybourne 92, 139.
Libraries, Saxon xi.
Lidisinga 139.
Lidsing 92, 139.
Lilecirce 139.
Lilintuna 140.
Lillechurch 79, 139.
Liluitana Capella 67, 139.
Limene, Liminaea Riv. vii note, 94.
Liminge 93, 126.
Limpne 93.
Limpsfield 335.
Linch 253.
Linchesore, Lynsore Chap. 75.
Linchmere 253.
Lincolnsh. Churches 173.
Lindfield 253.
Lindisfarne ix.
Lindisinge 139.
Lingfield 335.
Cross 336.
Linsted 95, 121.
Linton 95, 138, 140.
Lisna 138.
Litlington 254.
Loddington Ch. 98.
Lodsworth 223, 254.
Lolley Abbey 69.
Lombard Inscriptions, 20, 39, 53, 58, 165, 167, 221, 248, 263, 270, 319.
Long, Rich. 147.
Longfield 95.
Longsole Chap. 20.
Loose 95.
Lord Mayor, First 224.
Lordington 252, 254.
Losenham 108, 109, 112.
Lovekyn, Edw. 334.
Lovelace, Th. and W. 29.
Lountham Ch. 252.
Legha 30, 31.
Lowden Cast. 143.
Lowy 89, 162, 194.
Loxwood 255.
Loye, St.'s Chap. 334.
Lucius, K. 49, 59.
Lucy, Rich. 65.
Luddenham 95, 121.
Ludesey 285.
Ludsdown 95, 139.
Lukedale Chantry 84.
Lullingestan, -tuna 138.
Lullingminster 249.
Lullingstone 95, 138.
Lullington 183, 255.
Lurgershall 252.
Lych Gates 41, 90, 150, 155, 235, 309, 335.
Lydd 96.
Lydsey Chap. 184.
Lye, W. 120.
Lynches 184.
Lyvingsbourne 37.
Mæruurtha 138.
Magd. Coll. Oxford 144, 195.
Maidstone 96.
Coll. and Park 97, 98.
Maldon, and Coll. 323, 336.
Maldry, The 146.
Malemeyns, J. de 94.
Malling, East 98, 138.
South 255.
West 99, 139.
Abbey 99.
Malmaines, J. 133.
Malmeyns Chantry 152.
J. de 152.
Maney Fam. 95.
Mankesey Chap. 266.
Mansell, Sir J. 143.
J. 33.
Manston Chap. 89.
Nic. 89.
Mapeldreskampe 138.
Maple Bowl 79.
Mapleton, J. 207.
Maplescombe 99, 138.
Marble Head 203.
Quarries 247.
Marden, East 255