Page:Notes upon Russia (volume 1, 1851).djvu/165

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vndt Guetenhag, Obrist Erbcamrer vndt Obrist Erbtruchsäss in Khärnten, Romisch Kays. Mjt. Rat vndt President der N. Oe. Cammer.

Von Herberstain Herr Sigmund
Hier liegt, welchs Lob zu aller Stund
Wurd seyn bey Kaysern wohlbekannt,
Auch bey aller Leuten in ihren Lannt.
Dann er bey 4 Kaysern hat
Gelebt als getreur Diener und Rat,
Ums Vatterlandt sich wohl verschuldt,
Davon er bracht hat Ehr und Huldt.”

We now proceed to the bibliography of the “Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii”. The first edition was published at Vienna in 1549, under the following title:

Rerum Moscoviticarum Comentarii. In hijs Comentariis sparsim contenta habebis, candide lector, Russie et que nunc eius Metropolis est, Moscouie breuissimam descriptionem. De religione quoqꝫ varia inserta sunt: et que nostra cum religione non conueniunt. Corographiam deniqꝫ totius imperii Moscici: et vicinorum quorundam mentionem. Quis deniqꝫ modus excipiendi et tractandi oratores: disseritur. Itineraria quoqꝫ duo in Mosconiam sunt adiuncta. Vindobonæ, (1549), folio.

A copy of this exceedingly rare first edition is in the Grenville collection, British Museum. It is without imprint or colophon; but the dedication to King Ferdinand is dated from Vienna (“Vienne Austriæ”), March 1, 1549. That this was the year in which the book was printed likewise clearly appears from Herberstein’s own statement in his autobiography published at Vienna in 1560, entitled, “Gratæ