Page:Notes upon Russia (volume 2, 1851).djvu/147

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horses were obliged, at considerable risk, to swim, for the space of half a German mile, across three rivers, and several other smaller streams, which were overflowing with water. We overtook them by a circuitous route, being conveyed in fishing-boats along the Dnieper, by a certain mark; and at length we reached Moscow on the 26th of April. When we were half a German mile distant from that city, there met us that old secretary, who had been ambassador in Spain, full of haste, and covered with perspiration, to announce that some grandees had been despatched by his master to receive us on the road, mentioning the names of those who had been appointed to await our coming, and to give us an honourable reception; at the same time he remarked that it behoved us, at the meeting, to alight from our horses, and to hear the words of his master standing. "We afterwards shook hands and talked together; among other things, I asked him the cause of his being in such a violent perspiration, upon which, raising his voice, he replied, "Sigismund, our mode of serving our sovereign is different from thine." As we proceeded, we saw a number of men drawn up in long array, like a regiment, and as we drew near they alighted from their horses, upon which we did the same; and, at the moment of our meeting, one of them took the initiative, and commenced his communication in the following manner: "The great Lord Vasiley, by the grace of God, King and Lord of all Russia, etc. (repeating every title), has understood that ye are come as ambassadors from his brother Charles, chosen Emperor and supreme King of the Romans, and his brother Ferdinand; and hath sent us, his councillors, with an injunction to inquire of you with respect to the health of his brother Charles, Emperor and supreme King of the Romans." Then followed the same respecting Ferdinand. The second speaker, addressing the count, said: "Count Leonhard, my great master (repeating every title) hath ordered me to come forth to meet thee, and to escort thee to thy residence, and to see