Page:Notes upon Russia (volume 2, 1851).djvu/186

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From Olmutz to the small town of Bischov, four miles.

To Niklspurg, a town with a splendid fortress, four miles; which, although situated one mile beyond the river Teya, which in many places separates Austria from Moravia, nevertheless, is adjacent to Moravia, and subject to its dominion.

Thence to Mistlbach, a small town of Austria, three miles.

Ulrichskirchen, three miles.

After another three miles, we reached Vienna, a city on the Danube, celebrated by many writers; and had the good fortune to bring thither two carriages safe and sound all the way from Moscow.

From Vienna, I came to Neustadt, eight miles; and thence, beyond the mountain of Semring and between the mountains of Styria, to Salzburg. I afterwards overtook the emperor at Innspruck, a town in the country of Tyrol; and His Majesty was not only gratified by my report of what I had done in pursuance of his commands, but also was highly delighted with my description of the customs and ceremonies of the Russians. So much was this the case, that Matthæus, cardinal of Salzburg, who was a great favourite of the emperor, and an industrious and very experienced prince in all matters of business, jocosely protested, in the presence of the emperor, against his hearing or learning any more of these ceremonies from me, except in his presence.

The Russian ambassador being soon after dismissed, and receiving his discharge from the emperor, and as I was at the same time appointed ambassador to Hungary, to King Lewis, I conducted him to Vienna, by the route of the Inn and the Danube. In that city I left him, and without delay took my seat in a Hungarian carriage; in which, with three mares harnessed together, I was carried on at a very rapid rate, and in a few hours traversed thirty-two German miles, and reached Buda. This great speed was owing to the judicious resting and changing of the horses at convenient stages. The first of which was at Prukh [Bruck], a little