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of that charm which was all the more powerful because Sally herself was unconscious of it.

"You've been long in coming, Joe," she said with a sudden smile. 'You were away, of course?"

"Aye, just got back 'fore we started for here." . . . He looked round. "Where's young Dan?"

"I've just got him off to sleep on the bed there"; she pointed to a deerskin curtain in the corner.

"What? They been frightening him?"

Mrs. Rone looked oddly at November. "No, but if he heard us talking he might get scared, for the man who's been robbing me was in this room not six hours ago and Danny saw him."

November raised his eyebrows. "Huh! That's fierce!" he said. "Danny's rising three, ain't he? He could tell."

"Nothing at all. It was after dark and the man had his face muffled. Danny said he was a real good man, he gave him sugar from the cupboard!" said Sally.

"His hands . . . what like was his hands? . . . He gave the sugar."