Page:Nullification Controversy in South Carolina.djvu/29

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Nullification Controversy in South Carolina

In the various districts of the state[1] the first Monday of each month was designated as "sale day." On that day, when the sheriffs sale was held at the county seat, throngs of farmers and planters journeyed to their respective courthouse towns to attend the sales, do their trading, meet and converse with neighbors of the district, and discuss questions of politics. Meetings were announced for this day, or were spontaneously convened, whenever any subject of importance was being agitated. The people always knew that if any subject became important during any month, there was likely to be a meeting on the next sale day to consider it; prominent leaders were occasionally present to address the people, and at times open debates were held. If there was intense party feeling and sharp division, the parties would meet separately.

On the sale days of August and succeeding months in 1828, meetings were held at various places over the state to express again the opposition of the people to the tariff, and to discuss possible plans of resistance. The tariff was now attracting so much attention that in many in-

  1. The coastal political divisions, smaller than those of the interior, were called parishes, while those of the interior were called districts.