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Nullification Controversy in South Carolina

"State Rights," opinion of, on the legislature of 1829, 41.

State Rights associations. See State Rights party.

State Rights doctrine. See State sovereignty.

State Rights party: Nullification party, not well organised in 1828, 13, 25; original purpose of, 17; campaign of education by, 60, 64; public dinner of, July, 1830, 62; leaders of, 84, 85, 104 n., 129, 133, 196; convention in 1830 supported by, 90, 91; answered by Unionists, 67-80, 117, 118, 172-91; meeting of, at Columbia in September, 1830, 92; and election of 1830, 99-103; in legislature of 1830, 103-10; new campaign of education by, in 1831, 108-11, 119-23; name of, changed, 112, 153; associations of, formed in 1831, 124, 150, 154; convention of, in December, 1831, 125, 126; associations of, condemned by Unionists, 126, 325; convention of associations of, in Februaiy, 1832, 164; accused of evil motives, 130, 166, 167; July 4, celebration of, 1831, 146-48; disunion charge, denied by, 150; Jackson, denounced by, 15O, 153, 159, 160, 228, 238; and Charleston election of, 1831, 156; wait-awhile policy of, in 1831-32, 159, 162; campaign of, in 1832, 165, 172, 193; tariff of 1832, views of, on, 166-70; meeting of associations of, 194; and election of 1832, 203-6; military preparations of, 219, 224, 230, 249-55, 268. 276-80, 291, 306-9; and tariff of 1833, 264; nullification suspended by, 272-75: convention of, reassembled, March, 1833, 289-93; on force bill, 305; and Charleston election of, 1833, 314; congressional election of 1833, 314; test oath supported by, 316-19, 326, 334, 335, 337, 338, 340, 346-48; associations of, revived, 337; and Charleston election ox, 1834, 351; and state election of, 352; oompromise of, on test oath, 350-61.

State sovereignty: state rights doctrine invoked and supported, 11, 38, 39, 47, 49, 54 n., 55, 61, 62, 66, 99, 178, 213, 255, 292, 305, 340, 346; denounced and opposed, 62, 68, 69, 199, 340; perverted use of, 17; in 1824-28, 35; South Carolina not a unit upon, 42, 43.

Submission party, term applied by Nullifiers to Unionists, 86, 133, 133 n., 160, 201. See also Union party.

Sullivan's Island, Charleston harbor, military importance of, 230, 257.

Supreme Court of United States: and the tariff, 6; and nullification, 62, 214, 221, 232, 284; and the Constitution, 3; Unionist views of, 71, 142, 177.

Tariff, the, of 1824, denounced, 2; constitutionality of, denied, 3, 4, 6, 9, 18, 20, 67, 117, 123, 141, 213; constitutionality of, upheld, 16, 29, 117, 118, 129,