Page:Nurse and spy in the Union Army.djvu/146

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scarcely uttered the notes of victory and glory when Ills strength deserted him and he fell insensible to the ground." The old man added: "General says if he lives through this he will go into the next battle with shoulder straps on." I went up to him, took his feverish hand, and told him that I was glad that his wound was not mortal. He thanked me, and said with enthusiasm, "I would rather have been killed than to have lost the battle.

There is one thing that I have noticed on the field in every battle that I have witnessed, viz. : that the christian man is the best soldier. Says a minister of the Gospel, writing upon this subject : "It is a common saying among the officers that, as a class, the men who stand foremost when the battle rages are the christian men. Many a time I have talked with them about such scenes, and they have told me that their souls have stood firm in that hour of strife, and that they have been perfectly calm. I have had christian generals tell me this. I have heard General Howard often say that in the midst of the most terrific portion of the battle, when his heart for a moment quailed, he would pause, and lift up his soul to God and receive strength. "And," said he, "I have gone through battles without a particle of fear. I have thought that God sent me to defend my country. T believed it was a christian duty to stand in the foremost of the fight, and why should I be afraid ?"