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My Dear Friends,

This little paper was written for a monthly periodical, at the request of the editors, who were anxious to bring the subject before their readers. Thence it was copied into a daily paper at Manchester, and one result of this was, that I received a letter from a young dressmaker there who had read it, and felt a strong desire to adopt some of its suggestions, and become a nurse. She appeared to be a person of much religious feeling, and she confessed how uncongenial she found her present occupation, and how unsatisfying it was to her heart and mind. Now this little circumstance has led to my reprinting this paper in a form more accessible to the young persons whom I wish to reach. I thought that if the heart of one reader had been touched and moved by a desire to serve God in this calling of a nurse, we might expect to find many others who would, from a pure and holy motive, wish to do so, if they were told the way. And in endeavouring to circulate this paper amongst the young women in workrooms and those engaged as needlewomen, I wish it to be distinctly understood that I do not desire to