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I D. Appleion db Oo.'s Publications.

AGUILAR, £.— A MOTHER'S RECOMPENSE. 12mo., paper, 50c. ; cloth, 75c.

WOMEN OF ISEAEL. Two vols. 12mo., paper, $1;

cloth, $1 50c. VALE OF CEDARS. 12mo., cloth, 75c. ; paper, 50c. WOMAN'S FRIENDSHIP, cloth, 75c. ; paper, 50c. ADRIAN ; or, The Clouds of the Mind. By G. P. E. James and M. B. Field. 12mo., cloth, $1. OORBOULD'S HISTORY AND ADVENTURES OF MARGARET CATCHPOLE. 8vo., 2 plates, paper cover, 25c. DUMAS' MARGUERITE DE VALOIS. A Novel. 8vo., 25c. DUPUY, A. E.— THE CONSPIRATOR. 12mo cloth, 75c; paper, 50c. J7.LLEN PARRY ; or, Trials of the Heart. 12mo., 63c. ; paper, 3Sc. ELLEN MIDDLETON. A Tale by Lady Fullerton. 12mo., paper, 50c. ; cloth, 75c. HEARTS UNVEILED ; or, "I Knew You would Like Him." By Mrs. Saymore. 12mo., paper, 50c. ; cloth, 75c. HOME IS HOME ; A Domestic Story. 12mo., paper, 50c. ; cloth, 75c. [1ELOISE; or, The Unrevealed Secret. By Talvi. 12mo., cloth, 75c. ; paper, 50c. HO WITT, MARY.— THE, HEIR OF WAST WAYLAND. l2mo., paper, .38c. ; cloth, 50c. 10 ; a Tale of the Ancient Fane. By Barton. 12mo., 75c. JAMES MONT JOY; or, I've Been Thinking. By A.S.Roe. Two Parts, paper, 75c; cloth, $1. LIFE'S DISCIPLINE.— A, Tale of the Annals of Hungary. By Talvi, author of "Heloise," &c 12mo., paper, 8Sc. ; cloth, 63c. LOVER, SAM UEL.— HANDY ANDY. 8vo., paper cover, 60c. ■ L. S. D., Treasure Trove. 8vo., paper, 25c MARGARET CECIL ; or, " I Can, Because I Ought." By Cousin Kate. 12mo., paper, 50c ; cloth, 75c McINTOSH, M. J.— TWO LIVES ; or, To Seem and To Be. 12mo., cloth, 75c ; paper, 50c AUNT KITTY'S TALES. 12mo., cloth, 75c ; paper, 50o. — CHARMS AND COUNTER CHARMS. Paper, 75c. ; cloth, $1. MAIDEN AUNT (The). A Story. By S. M. 12mo., paper, 50c; eloth, 75c