Page:O'Higgins--The Adventures of Detective Barney.djvu/105

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He ’ll need twenty-five or thirty dollars. Be back here at four o’clock.”

“Yes, sir.” Barney hesitated. “Did you get him?”

“Who? Palmer? Oh, yes. Yes. He ’s held for return to Chicago. Run along now. Be here sharp at four, with your bag packed. And tell your mother not to mark your linen—except with your initials. Understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

Babbing regarded him whimsically. “How do you like being a detective?”

“Oh, gee!” Barney grinned. “It ’s great, Chief.”

Babbing gave him a parting pat on the shoulder. “All right, boy,” he said. “I ’m glad you like it.” And Barney did not understand why his tone of voice was depreciative!