Page:O'Higgins--The Adventures of Detective Barney.djvu/160

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individual. You’re expected to swindle, and steal from, and lie to, and betray the enemies of society in any way you can, in order to defeat them and defend society. It ’s your duty to do it, and do it diligently. If you don’t, you ’re as bad as the criminal. And that ’s the only moral law that binds you, professionally.

“But, in your private life,”—He wagged an emphatic forefinger—“you ’re bound by all the moralities that bind every one else. And in your dealings with me, you have to be an honest employee. Or take the consequences. When I send you out to get a man, you ’re a crook if you don’t use every means to bring him in, no matter what sympathy you feel for him or his mother or his sweetheart or any one else. Understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.” He went back to his desk. “I ’m telling you this because I have a job for you that I don’t want any fumbling on. I ’m going to plant you as a deaf mute. With