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signifies that it is not now corrupted, or that it cannot now be corrupted, or that it is now a thing of that kind which can never be corrupted. When therefore we say that the animal is now incorruptible, we say this, that it is now such an animal, as never to be corrupted, and this would be the same with immortal, so that it does not happen that it is now immortal. Nevertheless, if it should happen that what is assigned according to the definition is now, or was before, inherent, but what is according to the name is not inherent, it will not be the same: wherefore this place must be used as we have stated.

Chapter 7

It must also be considered whether the thing defined is enunciated by some others, rather than by that definition which was assigned, as if justice (should be defined) a power distributive of the equal. For he is rather a just man who deliberately chooses to distribute the equal, than he who is able, so that justice would not be a power distributive of the equal, since he would be especially just, who is most able to distribute the equal.

Moreover, whether the thing receives increase, but what is assigned according to the definition does not receive it, or on the contrary, what is assigned according to the definition receives, but the thing, not. For it is necessary that both should receive it or neither, if indeed what is assigned according to the definition is the same with the thing. Again, whether both indeed receive increase, yet both do not simultaneously receive accession, as if love is the desire of congress; for he who loves in a greater degree is not more desirous of congress, so that