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unless many interrogations are assumed for one, but one thing be affirmed or denied of one, there will not be an impossibility.

Chapter 31

With regard to those which lead to frequently saying the same thing, we must evidently not grant that the categories of relatives, separated by themselves, signify any thing; as the double without the double of the half, because it is manifest; for ten is (understood) in (the expression) ten minus one, and "to make" in the (expression) "not to make," in short, affirmation in negation, yet still it does not follow, if a man says that this is not white, that he should say it is white. Perhaps indeed, the double signifies nothing (alone), as neither what is in the half, or if indeed it does signify any thing, yet not the same as when conjoined. Nor does science in species (as if it is medical science) signify what is common, but that was the science of the object of science. Indeed, in those attributes through which (the subjects) are declared, we must say this, that what is signified