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I have told them. And they believe. Pictures also they believe. Just as men of an education believe the printed word; knowing full well it could not be printed if it were not Allah’s own truth. Well, these folk believe a picture, if it be in a book. So I showed them pictures. And I read the law which was beneath the pictures. They heard me read. And they saw the pictures with their own eyesight. So what could they do but believe? And they did. Behold, howadji!”

Opening the volume with respectful care, Najib thumbed the yellowing pages. Presently he paused at a picture which represented in glaring detail a stricken battlefield strewn with dead and dying Orientals of vivid costume. In the middle distance a regiment of prisoners was being slaughtered in singularly blood-thirsty fashion. The caption, above the cut, read:

“Destruction of Sennacherib’s Assyrian Hosts, by the People of Israel.”

“While yet they gazed joyingly on this noble picture,” remarked Najib, “I read to them the words of the law about it. I read aloudly, thus: ‘This shall be the way of punishing all folk who make strike hereafter this date.’ Then,” continued Najib, “I showed to them another pretty and splendid picture. See!”

“Martyrdom of John Rogers, His Wife and Their Nine Children.”

“And,” proclaimed Najib, “of this sweet portrait I read thus the law: ‘So shall the wifes and the offsprungs of all strike-makers be put to death; and those wicked strike-makers themselfs along with them.’ By the time I had shown them six or fifteen of such pictures and read them the law for each of them, those miserable fellaheen and guards were beweeping themselfs harder and louder and sadder than I had seemed to. Why, howadji, it was with a difficultness that I kept them from running away and enhiding themselfs in the mountains, lest the soldiers of the pasha come upon them at once and punish them for trying to make strike! But I said I would intercede with you to make you merciful of heart toward them, to spare them and not to tell the law what they had so sinsomely planned to