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Official Journal of the European Union
L 65/19

3. In executing its mission, the Platform shall adopt decisions on:

(a) its rules of procedure;

(b) 2-year work programmes setting out, inter alia, its priorities and a concrete description of the activities referred to in Article 6;

(c) reports of the Platform every 2 years;

(d) the establishment of working groups to examine issues specified in its work programmes including the practical arrangements for those working groups, which are to be dissolved once their mandates are fulfilled.

The Platform shall adopt the decisions referred to in this paragraph by simple majority. The representative of the Commission and the senior representatives shall each have one vote.

4. The Bureau may, where appropriate, invite experts with a specific competence in the subject under discussion on a case-by-case basis to participate in the Platform's or in a working group's deliberations.

5. The Platform shall be assisted by the Secretariat referred to in paragraph 1. The Secretariat shall prepare the meetings of the Platform, the Platform's draft work programmes and draft reports, and shall follow up on the Platform's meetings and the conclusions thereof.

6. The Commission shall regularly inform the European Parliament and the Council about the activities of the Platform, including with regard to joint meetings with expert groups and committees. It shall submit the Platform's work programmes and reports to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

Article 9


1. The Platform shall cooperate effectively and shall avoid duplication of work with other relevant expert groups and committees at Union level whose work has a link with undeclared work, in particular, the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee, the Expert Committee on Posting of Workers, the Administrative Commission for Social Security Coordination, the Public Employment Services Network, EMCO, SPC and the Working Group on Administrative Cooperation in the field of Direct Taxation. The Platform shall invite the representatives of those groups and committees to attend its meetings as observers where appropriate. In the interest of more efficient working and enhanced impact, joint meetings may also be organised.

2. The Platform shall establish appropriate cooperation with Eurofound and EU-OSHA.

Article 10

Reimbursement of expenses

The Commission shall reimburse travel and, where appropriate, subsistence expenses for members, alternates, observers and invited experts in connection with the Platform's activities.

The members, alternates, observers and invited experts shall not be remunerated for the services they render.

Article 11

Financial support

The global resources for the implementation of this Decision shall be established within the framework of EaSI. The Commission shall manage the financial resources of EaSI that are dedicated to the Platform in a transparent and efficient way.