Page:ONU - Résolutions et décisions du conseil de sécurité, 1949.djvu/7

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67 (1949). Resolution of 28 January 1949 [S/1234]

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 27 (1947) of 1 August, 30 (1947) and 31 (1947) of 25 August, and 36 (1947) of 1 November 1947, with respect to the Indonesian question,

Taking note with approval of the reports submitted to the Security Council by its Committee of Good Offices for Indonesia,

Considering that its resolutions 63 (1948) and 64 (1948) of 24 and 28 December 1948 have not been fully carried out,

Considering that continued occupation of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia by the armed forces of the Netherlands is incompatible with the restoration of good relations between the parties and with the final achievement of a just and lasting settlement of the Indonesian dispute,

Considering that the establishment and maintenance of law and order throughout Indonesia is a necessary condition to the achievement of the expressed objectives and desires of both parties,

Noting with satisfaction that the parties continue to adhere to the principles of the Renville Agreement[1] and agree that free and democratic elections should be held throughout Indonesia for the purpose of establishing a constituent assembly at the earliest practicable date, and further agree that the Security Council should arrange for the observation of such elections by an appropriate agency of the United Nations; and that the representative of the Netherlands has expressed his Government’s desire to have such elections held not later than 1 October 1949,

Noting also with satisfaction that the Government of the Netherlands plans to transfer sovereignty to the United States of Indonesia by 1 January 1950 if possible, and in any case during the year 1950,

Conscious of its primary responsibility for the mainte¬ nance of international peace and security, and in order that the rights, claims and positions of the parties may not be prejudiced by the use of force,

1. Calls upon the Government of the Netherlands to ensure the immediate discontinuance of all military operations, calls upon the Government of the Republic simultaneously to order its armed adherents to cease guerrilla warfare, and calls upon both parties to co¬ operate in the restoration of peace and the maintenance of law and order throughout the area affected ;

2. Calls upon the Government of the Netherlands to release immediately and unconditionally all political prisoners arrested by it since 17 December 1948 in the Republic of Indonesia, and to facilitate the immediate return of officials of the Government of the Republic

  1. Ibid., Third Year, Special Supplement No. 1, appendices XI, XIII and VIII.