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Sect. II.

The Expectation of Bodies Politic, the Jews in particular, and the World in general, during the present State of the Earth.


It is probable, that all the present civil governments will be overturned 549

It is probable, that the present forms of church government will be dissolved 551

It is probable, that the Jews will be restored to Palestine 553

The Christian religion will be preached to, and received by, all nations 555

It is not probable that there will be any pure or complete happiness before the destruction of this world by fire 557

Sect. III.

A future State after the Expiration of this Life.

It is probable, from the mere light of nature, that there will be a future state 558

The Christian revelation gives us an absolute assurance of a future state 565

The rewards and punishments of a future life will far exceed the happiness and misery of this, both in degree and duration 566

It is probable, that the future happiness of the good will be of a spiritual nature; but the future misery of the wicked may be both corporeal and mental 568

It seems probable, that the soul may remain in a state of inactivity, though perhaps not of insensibility, from death to the resurrection 571

Sect. IV.

The Terms of Salvation.

It follows from the foregoing theory of our intellectual pleasures and pains, as well as from other ways of considering them, that the bulk of mankind are not qualified for pure, unmixed happiness 572