Page:Observations on the present financial embarassments.djvu/21

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the poor-rate would be lessened, but that there would be an increased demand for all agricultural produce.

I trust I have now proved, that it would be a direct and great advantage, if the taxes on raw materials and manufactures were in part repealed. Let us now see how the deficit their repeal would occasion to the revenue could be supplied.

First, then, let us see how far it could be supplied by reductions in the public expenditure. At the present moment every possible reduction, consistent with the welfare of the state, ought to be effected. On the one hand, I hope we shall see no reductions inconsistent with the faith, the honour, and security of the realm; but, on the other, I trust that every item of the public expenditure will be closely sifted, and minutely examined. There must be no tampering with corruption! The Ministers must, with unsparing hand, abolish all useless places, and redeem the noble pledge they have given, to govern, not by patronage, but by principle!

The people of England will not object to any expenses to maintain the due splendour of the crown, or the honour and safety of the realm. "Every thing for honour; every thing that the safety of the constitution and the empire may require; but not a farthing for corruption!" Let that be the rallying cry of the advocates for retrenchment.