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to take home the holy water, a specialty of sacred peaks. With sublime superiority to detail it cures all ills, irrespective of their character.

In his right hand the leader of the party holds a bell which he rings as he walks; others often do the same. The tinkle of this bell, together with the chanting in which all join, imparts a fine processional effect to the march, very impressive to less pious wayfarers.

Up their sleeves or tucked into their girdles the pilgrims carry gohei-wands, rosaries, and other tools of their trade; together with the indispensable pilgrim banners, badges, and the club's visiting cards. Of earthly baggage they have none. The reason for this has a moral. It is done to ingratiate the gods, because of the greater peril of pilgrimages to the peaks. The gods are supposed to have a fancy for such ascetic attire, and to protect themselves against the dangers of the ascent the pilgrims take particular pains to propitiate the gods; a reason kin to that the little girl gave for omitting her prayers in the morning, though she said them scrupulously at night; that she needed