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pinus . . . . et obliquo," without stopping to inquire whether it is sufficiently supported by MSS. Those who with Orelli prefer "Quo pinus . . . . quid obliquo" may substitute—

Know you why pine and poplar high
Their hospitable shadows spread
Entwined? why panting waters try
To hurry down their zigzag bed?

Book II, Ode 7.

A man of peace.

Quiritem is generally understood of a citizen with rights undiminished. I have interpreted it of a civilian opposed to a soldier, as in the well-known story in Suetonius (Cæs. c. 70) where Julius Cæsar takes the tenth legion at their word, and intimates that they are disbanded by the simple substitution of Quirites for milites in his speech to them. But it may very well include both.

Book II, Ode 13.

In sacred awe the silent dead
Attend on each

"'Sacro digna silentio:' digna eo silentio quod in sacris faciendis observatur"—Ritter.

Book II, Ode 14.

Not though three hundred bullocks flame
Each year.

I have at last followed Ritter in taking trecenos as loosely put for 365, a steer for each day in the year. The hyperbole, as he says, would otherwise be too extravagant.