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followest in his footsteps, doth thy mother's brother honour. Nemea is favourable unto him, and the month[1] of his country that Apollo loveth: the youth that came to strive with him he overcame, both at home and by Nisos' hill of pleasant glades[2]. I have joy that the whole state striveth for glory. Know that throughMenander's[3] aid thou hast attained unto sweet recompense of toils. And meet is that from Athens a fashioner of athletes come.

But if thou comest to Themistios[4], to sing of him, away with chill reserve, shout aloud, hoist to the top-yard of the mast the sail, and tell how in the boxing and the pankration at Epidauros he won a double prize of valour, and to the portals of Aiakos bare fresh wreaths of flowers, led by the Graces of the yellow hair.

  1. The month called in Aigina Delphinios (April-May) when the Nemean games took place.
  2. At Megara.
  3. Pytheas' trainer, an Athenian.
  4. Maternal grandfather of Pytheas.