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did by the founding of a new feast and struggles of the strength of men and of carven cars make his city known abroad and glorious.

For he was flying before Amphiaraos of bold counsels, and before a dangerous civil strife, from Argos and his father's house: for no longer were the sons of Talaos lords therein, for a sedition had thrust them forth. The stronger man endeth the contention that hath been before.

But when they had given to the son of Oikleus for his wife, as one should give surety of an oath, Eriphyle, the slayer of her husband, they became the greatest of the fair-haired Danaoi. So thereafter led they on a time against seven-gated Thebes a host of men, but not by a road of signs propitious: nor would the son of Kronos speed them on their mad journey from their homes, but by the quivering lightnings he darted forth he bade them hold from their road[1].

But unto a revealed calamity hasted that company to go forth with bronze shields and the gear of steeds; and on the banks of Ismenos, stayed from their sweet return, they fed the white smoke with their bodies.

For seven pyres devoured the young men's limbs, but for Amphiaraos Zeus by almighty thunderbolt clave the deep-breasted earth, and buried him with his steeds, or ever the warrior's soul should be shamed by the smiting of him in the back by Periklymenos' spear. For when the terror cometh of heaven, there flee even the sons of gods.

If it be possible, O son of Kronos, this trial of valour against Phenician spears[2] for life or death I would fain defer unto the utmost: and I beg of thee to grant unto the sons of

  1. Lightning and thunder were often an encouraging sign (there is an instance in the [[../../Pythian Odes/4|fourth Pythian]]), but this would depend on the manner of them.
  2. War with the Carthaginians, who were still threatening the Hellenic colonists in Sicily, in spite of their recent defeat.