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Yet let no boast be heard. Zeus ordereth this or that, Zeus, lord of all.

Now in pleasant song even these honours also of the games welcome the joy for a fair victory. Let any strive his best in such, who hath learnt what Kleonikos' house can do. Undulled is the fame of their long toil, nor ever was their zeal abated by any counting of the cost.

Also have I praise for Pytheas, for that he guided aright[1] the course of Phylakidas' blows in the struggle of hands that bring limbs low, an adversary he of cunning soul.

Take for him a crown, and bring the fleecy fillet, and speed him on his way with this new wingëd hymn.

  1. Pytheas had given his brother example, and very probably precept also, in the pankration.