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The firſt Section of this diſcourſe.

¶ The Preamble or entraunce, into this treatise.

I Wrote unto you (well beloued friend Gesner) not many yeares past, a manyfolde historie, contayning the diuers formes and figurs of Beastes, Byrdes, and Fyshes, the sundry shapes of plantes, and the fashions of Hearbes, &c.

I wrote moreouer, vnto you seuerally, a certaine abridgement of Dogges, which in your discourse vpon the fourmes of Beastes in the seconde order of mylde and tameable Beastes, where you make mencion of Scottishe Dogges, and in the winding vp of your Letter written and directed to Doctour Turner, comprehending a Catalogue or rehersall of your bookes not yet extant, you promised to set forth in print, and openly to publishe in the face of the worlde among such your workes as are not yet come abroade to lyght and sight. But, because certaine circumstaunces were wanting in my breuary of Englishe Dogges (as seemed vnto mee), I stayed the publication of the same, making promise to send another abroade, which myght be commytted to the handes, the eyes, the eares, the mindes, and the iudgements of the Readers. Wherefore that I myght perfourme that preciselye which I promised solempnly, accomplishe my determination, and satisfy your expectacion: which art a man desirous