Page:Of the history and travels of Hector Maclean, late sailor.pdf/23

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of the men ſtept up, and ſpy'd ſomething at a diſtance no bigger than a Crow to appearance floating, which adviſed the Maſter it who preſently commanded the Helm to be born up, and ſtood away to it, and when come near, found it the old man as the Boy ſaid; ſo they hoyſt out their Boat, and took him in, who then was ſpeechleſs, and almoſt ſpent: but by the care of the Maſter and Surgeon and God's bleſſing, recovered and gave a verbal account of his misfortune, and yet wonderful deliverance togethr with Satans temptation as before recited: which ſhip, in due time arrived ſafe at her Port in New found-Land, where this man was well landed a-ſhore.

This laſt Story, you will find in the book called the Remarkable Sea deliverance, wrote by Mr James Janeways.