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them on and then prepared to return at once to Wailuku.

"We don't want to miss the road," said Oliver.

"Take this highway right through and you can't miss it," laughed Mr. Soule. "It runs directly into the town."

"If you will wait until to-night we'll go with you," put in Mr. Palmer.

"No, we want to get back to the seacoast as soon as possible," answered Oliver, and then, before any more questions could be asked, he continued: "We expected to be back last night, you know."

"Well, good-by to you, and good luck!" said the capitalist, and a shake of the hand followed. Soon we had bidden adieu to all and were off on our horses. We had offered pay for the entertainment provided, but it had been refused.

"And now for Wailuku, with all speed," cried Oliver, when we were out of hearing. "I'll wager anything that that is where Merkin and Koloa have gone."